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ACD/Labs Blog

Most of us who’ve worked in chemistry know about logP. The partition coefficient makes it into Lipinski’s rule of five and most post-secondary educations. But when it comes to logP, we mean one exact chemical structure. If a compound ionizes, it’s not the same structure. And since most compounds investigated in pharmaceutical and pharmacological research contain ionizable sites, it’s not logP we should be concerned about, but logD.

There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. There are ways to gain time and be able to do more but they can be difficult to identify because until we’re exposed to them we carry on as we always have. If you are still doing any of the things discussed here, then there are ways you can gain hours in your day and even do your job better than you are right now!

As corporate distributed environments are becoming the norm, there is a need for a multi-user, multi-location online lab environment as well. To that end, ACD/Labs has added a new deployment option on our Percepta Platform that allows end users to access our property calculators remotely from any location at any time—Percepta Portal.