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Characteristic (Functional) Groups

R-3.1.2 Hydro prefixes

If the name of the parent hydride implies the presence of the maximum number of noncumulative double bonds (see R-2.4.1), other states of hydrogenation can usually be indicated by use of the prefix "hydro-" together with an appropriate numerical prefix signifying the addition of hydrogen atoms. This operation is regarded as the reduction of double bonds; thus, hydrogen atoms can only be added in pairs (by use of "dihydro-", "tetrahydro-", etc.). "Indicated hydrogen" (see R-1.3) is included if required by the parent hydride.

Examples to R-3.1.2

R-3.1.3 Dehydro prefixes
R-3.1.4 Substituent prefix names for unsaturated/saturated parent hydrides

This HTML reproduction is as close as possible to the published version [see IUPAC, Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. A Guide to IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds (Recommendations 1993), 1993, Blackwell Scientific publications, Copyright 1993 IUPAC]. If you need to cite these rules please quote this reference as their source.

Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact