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Compounds Containing a or Group

Rule C-951. Amidines

951.1 - Compounds RC(=NH)-NH2 are termed generically "amidines" or, if the name of the corresponding acid ends in carboxylic acid, may be termed "carboxamidines".

951.2 - Names of amidines are derived from the names of the corresponding acids by replacing "-oic acid" or "-ic acid" by "-amidine" or "-carboxylic acid" by "-carboxamidinc". (For sulfinamidines see Rule C-641.9).

Examples to Rule C-951.2




951.3 - N-Substituted amidines are named by prefixing the name of the appropriate radical to the name of the unsubstituted amidine, with or as locant, , referring to the NH2 and to the =NH group. If the position of the double bond is not known the locants N and N' are used.

Examples to Rule C-951.3


951.4 - The systematic prefix name for the radical -C(=NH)-NH2 is "carbamimidoyl-" but, because of precedent, the name "amidino-" is retained.

Example to Rule C-951.4

p-Amidinobenzoic acid

951.4 - The systematic prefix name for the radical -C(=NH)-NH2 is "carbamimidoyl-" but, because of precedent, the name "amidino-" is retained.

Note: The isomeric radicals HN=CH-NH- and H2N-CH=N are "iminomethylamino-", and "aminomethyleneamino-", respectively.

Example to Rule C-951.4

Iminomethylaminoacetic acid

951.5 - The compound [H2N(NH=)C-S-]2 and its substitution products have the generic name "formamidine disulfides". Individual compounds are named as derivatives of assemblies of identical units (see Subsection C-0.7); locants are assigned as in the example.

Example to Rule C-951.5

See Recommendations'93 Table 31(a)

Compounds Containing a N=C-N or N=C=N Group C-952, C-953, C-954, C-955, C-956
Compounds Containing a N-C(-N)=N Group C-961, C-962
Compounds Containing a N-CO-N or Related Group C-971, C-972, C-973, C-974, C-975
Compounds Containing a N-CO-N-N or More Complex Group C-981, C-982, C-983, C-984, C-985


This HTML reproduction of Sections A, B and C of IUPAC "Blue Book" is as close as possible to the published version [see Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and H, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979. Copyright 1979 IUPAC.] If you need to cite these rules please quote this reference as their source.

Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact