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Name Interpretation

R-6.3 3-(2,3-Dihydroxypropyl)--methylquinoline-2-pentanoic acid

The name of the parent structure in this example is a conjunctive name formed by the juxtaposition of the names of the two components: (1) an acyclic chain containing the principal group, pentanoic acid; and (2) a heterocycle, quinoline. It is implied that each component has lost one hydrogen atom to form the bond (see R-1.2.4).

(a) The suffix '-oic acid' denotes the presence of a carboxy group attached to the parent hydride 'pentane' (see R-5.7.1), giving the structure and numbering shown as (I), below. Note that the carbon atom of the carboxy group is included in the parent chain and that the numbering of the chain, although shown, is not that used to indicate substituents of the chain in the name of the complete compound. The structure and numbering of the heterocyclic component, quinoline, is given as (II).



The locant '2' is the position on the heterocyclic component, quinoline, at which the acyclic component, pentanoic acid, is attached. No locant is given to denote the position of the acyclic component attached to the heterocycle, because, by definition, the acyclic component must be attached at the atom furthest from the principal group (see R- The structure and numbering of the conjunctive parent structure, quinoline-2-pentanoic acid is shown as (III).


(b) The prefixes '2,3-dihydroxypropyl' and 'methyl-', together with the locants '3' and '', respectively, indicate the presence of these groups as substituents at positions '3' and '' of the conjunctive parent structure.

(1) The prefix 'hydroxy-', the multiplicative prefix 'di-' and the locants '2' and '3', denote the presence of two hydroxy groups at positions 2 and 3 of a three-carbon chain (prop), derived from the parent hydride propane, with its free valence at position 1, as shown in (IV).


(c) Attaching structure (IV) and the methyl group to the conjunctive parent structure (III) completes the structure of the compound shown below.

R-6.4 4,4'-Dinitro-2,3'-[ethylenebis(sulfanediyl)]dicyclo-hexane-1-carbaldehyde
R-6.5 1-Methylbutyl 4-(2-acetyl-2-ethylhydrazino)benzoate

This HTML reproduction is as close as possible to the published version [see IUPAC, Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. A Guide to IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds (Recommendations 1993), 1993, Blackwell Scientific publications, Copyright 1993 IUPAC]. If you need to cite these rules please quote this reference as their source.

Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact