The Spectrus Platform natively supports data from a large variety of analytical techniques, and enables export to third-party applications, and integration with your existing systems.
Import Formats
The Spectrus Platform natively supports data from various analytical techniques and instrument vendor file formats, industry standards, and open-source formats. We work closely with partners to ensure that new formats are supported as technology evolves.
View Import FormatsExport Formats
We enable you to export data from the Spectrus environment to make it accessible in third party applications, and available for machine and data science (AI/ML) use.
View Export FormatsIntegrations
Because no single piece of software can do it all, our applications integrate with your existing instruments, equipment, and software. Conveniently Integrate analytical and chemical information and results into other systems.
View Integrations
Import data from the following formats
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Spectrus JS Support Comments ACD/Labs Spectrus *.spectrus   SpecManager *.esp   Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD Quad and Ion Trap Systems *.ms, *.yep  UV, LC/UV and LC/MS ChemStation, OpenLab ChemStation
Edition*.d, *.ch, *.ms, *.uv, *.yep   UV, LC/UV and LC/MS
Entire *.d folder should be used, may include ms, *.ch, *.uv filesEZChrom *.dat  UV traces only. Requires vendor software on same computer OpenLab CDS  Data can be imported via Connect to1, or using an ACD/OpenLab CDS Add-on LC/MS Ion Trap *.yep   LC/UV and LC/MS American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt, *.prn, *.csv, *.asc  Bruker Compass *.d  LC/MS, LC/UV, UV accurate mass data Entire *.d folder should be used
LC/MS Ion Trap *.yep   LC/UV and LC/MS Matlab/ Eigenvector Research DSO *.mat  PerkinElmer TotalChrom™ *.raw  Import was supported via Connect to1 until ACD/Labs products v. 2018 TurboChrom 4 *.rax  Pic Solution *.dat.csv  LC traces SCIEX Analyst *.wiff   LC/UV and LC/MS Shimadzu LabSolutions CDS  Data can be imported via Connect to1, or using an ACD/LabSolutions CDS Add-on LCMS-IT-TOF *.lcd   LC/MS and LC/UV.
Requires vendor software on same computer for import from files from version 5.42SP2.LCMSsolution *.qld   LC/MS, LC/UV and UV traces
May require vendor software on same computerLCSolution *.lcd, *.qld   Requires vendor software on same computer Thermo Fisher Scientific Atlas  PDA and DAD traces via Connect to1, or using an ACD/Atlas Add-on Chromeleon 6 and 7  UV and LC/UV, via Connect to1, or using an ACD/Chromeleon Add-on Generalized Analytical Markup Language
Hierarchy (GAML)*.gaml  LC/UV and LC/MS data Xcalibur *.raw   LC/MS, LC/UV, and UV traces Unidata netCDF *.cdf, *.nc  LC/MS, LC/UV, and UV traces Waters Empower 2 and 3 *.raw  UV, LC/UV and LC/MS traces, via
Connect to1 or using an ACD/Empower Add-onMassLynx *.raw, _functns.inf   LC/UV and LC/MS Micromass OpenLynx *.rpt  LC/UV and LC/MS UNIFI  via Connect to1 Connect  via Connect to1 1 Connect to utility does not work in Citrix
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Comments ACD/Labs Spectrus *.spectrus  SpecManager *.esp  American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt, *.prn, *.csv, *.asc  Single, dual, and multicolumn Bruker DIFFRAC-AT, DIFFRAC-PLUS *.raw  Gatan *.dm3  IUPAC JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx  Matlab/Eigenvector Research DSO *.mat  PANalytical XRDML  Older Philips X-Ray instrument data RD and UDF formats may be converted to the PANalytical XRDML formats with conversion software provided by PANalytical PowDLL *.*  NET converter for XRPD files Sirius Analytical Instruments *.*  STOE XRPD *.raw  TA Instruments *.*  Thermo Fisher Scientific Galactic *.spc  -
Mass Spectrometry
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Spectrus JS Support Comments ACD/Labs Spectrus *.spectrus   SpecManager *.esp   Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD Quad and Ion Trap Systems *.ms, *.yep   DAD data and single wavelength chromatograms. Splitter available. ChemStation *.ms   Splitter available LC TOF *.wiff  MassHunter (6000 series) *.bin   Entire *.d folder should be used. Agilent component requires Microsoft .NET version 2. DAD can be imported and MS/MS split controlled OpenLab Rev. C.01.07, C.01.08, C.01.09 *.d  UV, LC/UV and LC/MS Entire *.d folder should be used
*.ms, *.ch, *.uvLC/MS Ion Trap *.yep   LC/MS and DAD data Agilent (Varian) 1200 *.dat  Splitter available Saturn 2000 *.sms  Splitter available XMS *.xms, *.sms  Splitter available American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt  Single MS only Bruker Compass *.d   Accurate mass data Entire *.d folder should be used
Bruker component requires Microsoft .NET version 3.5. Possible issue noted for MaXis Impact data
LC/MS Ion Trap *.yep   LC/MS and DAD data Hitachi M–8000 and D–7000 *.msd, *.dad  LC/MS and DAD data HUPO-Proteomics Standards Institute mzML  IUPAC JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx  Splitter available JEOL JEOL-DX *.jsp, *.jpf, *.jmc  Single mass spectra and chromatogram curves JEOL K9 *.spe  LC(GC)/MS data JEOL XMS *.dat  GC/MS data LECO ChromaTOF-HRT™ for Citius™ (LC)
and Pegasus® (GC) HRTs*.smp  GC/MS or LC/MS data, LC/MS with in-source CID provides separate precursor and fragment ion (isCID) channels, LECO GC-TOF MS data is supported Matlab/Eigenvector Research DSO *.mat  Single mass spectra and LC(GC)/MS data National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST MS Software *.msp  Uses Lib2NIST to convert .msp to supported format (.hpj or .sdf) NIST SDF Library *.sdf  Splitter available PerkinElmer TOFData *.tofdata, *.tofdata2  TOFData Centroid *.tofline  SCIEX Analyst *.wiff, *.wiff.scan   Single mass spectra, LC/MS and most LC/MSn imported. Splitter available. UV data not currently imported.
LightSight—Spectra are supported via export to NetCDFAnalyst QS *.wiff   Single mass spectra, LC/MS and most LC/MSn imported. Splitter available Analyst TF *.wiff   PE SCIEX API to Piff *.~pi, *.~piff  Shimadzu GCMSsolution *.qgd   GC/MS data LabSolutions CDS *.lcd, *.qgd  ioModule supports QTOF data and TIC or SIM traces LCMS-IT-TOF *.lcd   LC/MS and LC/MSn data only. Requires vendor software on same computer LCMSsolution *.qld   DAD data and single wavelength chromatograms. May require vendor software on same computer Thermo Fisher Scientific Galactic *.spc  Export is available for single MS only Xcalibur *.raw   Data splitting by Scan Filter parameters is available Thermo Fisher Scientific (Applied
Biosystems)Mariner Data Explorer  LC/MS data only Unidata netCDF *.cdf, *.nc  Single MS and LC(GC)/MS Waters Empower 2 and 3  LC/MS, 3D MS, and 2D and 3D PDA data Via Connect to1 or with help of ACD/Empower Add-on
MassLynx *.raw   All files in the folder containing the _functns.inf file are necessary for data import Splitter available
Micromass OpenLynx *.rpt  Splitter available UNIFI  v1.9.4 Via Connect to1
1Â Connect to utility does not work in Citrix
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Spectrus JS Support Comments ACD/Labs Spectrus *.spectrus, *.gnr   SpecManager *.esp   Acorn NMR NUTS *.fid, *.nmr, *.2d   Agilent (Varian) VNMR, VnmrJ, FDF, Chemagnetics
SpinSight*.data, *.fdf, *.txt, *.fid, fid,
phasefile  Optional parameter files: acq, proc, procpar, acq_2, text American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt, *.prn, *.csv, *.asc  Bruker DISNMR, UXNMR, XWINNMR, WINNMR, TopSpin ser, rr, fid, 1r, 1i, 2rr   Optional parameter files: acqus, procs, acqu2, proc2s, fqs, fa1, fa2, fp1, fp2, title, intrng, tit, ti2 Felix NMR Felix *.*   Gaussian Gaussian Output *.log, *.out  GE Nicolet *.raw, *.*   Omega *.*   IUPAC JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx   JEOL Alice, Alpha, Generic, Delta, Lambda *.gxd,   Optional parameter files: exp.param, exp.par, Alice *.als   Alpha/Lambda *.nmf, *.nmfid, *.nmdata, *.nmd   Delta *.jdf, *.jdx   EX/GX *.gxd   Optional parameter files: *.gxp Generic *.bin   Optional parameter files: *.hdr Magritek SpinSolve *.par, *.1d, *.2d   Nanalysis NMReady *.dx   Oxford Instruments *.fid, *.jdx   PCNMR Lybrics *.*   QOneTec *.nmr   Tecmag MacNMR, NTNMR *.tnt, *.*   Thermo Fisher Scientific Galactic *.spc   picoSpin *.jdx   -
Open Source
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Spectrus JS Support American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt, *.prn, *.csv, *.asc  IUPAC JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx   Pistoia Alliance HELM *.helm, *.xhelm   ZIP *.zip  Containing
supported data filesAt ACD/Labs we strive to support future analytical data format standardization efforts, such as AnIML.
ACD/Labs is a member of the Allotrope Partner Network participating in the creation of the Allotrope Framework. Support of the emerging Allotrope analytical data standard is a strategic development goal for ACD/Labs. Learn more here.
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Comments ACD/Labs Spectrus *.spectrus  SpecManager *.esp  Agilent ChemStation *.uv  HP 84552A *.wav  Agilent (Varian) Cary UV *.b*, *.d*  American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt, *.prn, *.csv, *.asc  Single, dual, and multicolumn Bruker OPUS *.*  DeltaNu *.spc  Foss NIRSystems *.da  IUPAC JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx  Single and multispectra JASCO J-700 *.jws  LabControl *.uvd, *.irs  Matlab/Eigenvector Research DSO *.mat  Mesophotonics *.spc  Ocean Optics *.*  PerkinElmer IR Data Manager *.sp  Renishaw *.spc  Shimadzu IR *.irs  Smiths Detection SensIR *.spc  Spectacle *.uvd, *.irs  Thermo Fisher Scientific Galactic *.spc  Mattson *.*  Nicolet OMNIC *.spa, *.spg  Waters Empower 2 and 3  Via Connect to1 or using an ACD/Empower Add-on MassLynx *.inf  Millennium  Via Connect to1 1 Connect to utility does not work in Citrix
Structure Drawing
Affiliation Data Format File Type/Extension Desktop Application Support Spectrus JS Support Comments Chemical Drawings ACD/Labs ChemSketch *.sk2   ChemAxon Marvin Sketch *.mrv  Input only Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA Draw *.skc  Formerly ISIS Sketch, MDL Draw, Symyx
Draw, and Accelrys DrawRevvity ChemDraw *.cdx, *.cdxml, *.chm  Input only for cdxml files Adobe Acrobat *.pdf  Output only Chemical Structures and Reactions Chemical Markup Language *.cml  Output only FASTA *.fasta and other  Peptide sequences InChI Text string  InChIKey Text string  Output only MOL files *.mol   Pistoia Alliance HELM *.helm, *.xhelm  Peptide sequences, input only for
xhelm filesReaction Files *.rxn  SMILES Text string  Images GIF image *.gif  JPG image *.jpg  Input only Paintbrush *.pcx  Output only PNG image *.png  TIFF Bitmap *.tif  Output only Windows Bitmap *.bmp, *.dib  Metafile *.wmf Â
Note: The list of data formats supported by ACD/Labs software can also be expanded with your own (or third-party) converters using a DOS executable or the ChemBasic programming language.
Export data in the following formats (desktop applications only)
Formats for Machine & Human Accessibility
Data Format File Type/Extension CSV *.csv JSON *.json XML *.xml -
Ratified Spectral & Chromatographic Formats
Affiliation Format File Type/Extension Comments American National Standards Institute ASCII *.txt,*.prn, *.csv, *.asc MATLAB/ Eigenvector Research DSO *.mat Chrom and MS data IUPAC JCAMP *.dx, *.jdx Only 1D data supported for NMR Thermo Fisher Scientific Galactic *.spc Unidata netCDF *.cdf, *.nc Hyphenated
MS/single channel chromatography
Additional Integrations
Automation Equipment and Laboratory Reactors
Affiliation Hardware Comments Chemspeed Swing Configuration/customization may be required Chronect Quantos weighing robot Configuration/customization may be required Formulatrix Mantis Liquid handling equipment Configuration/customization may be required Hamilton Liquid handling equipment Configuration/customization may be required Mettler Toledo EasyMax Used for in-process and/or end point studies. Tecan Evo Liquid handling equipment Configuration/customization may be required Unchained Labs Junior and Big Kahuna Configuration/customization may be required -
Web Services
Service Connection ChemSpider REST API Custom Web Services REST or SOAP PubChem REST API Structure query for Mongo DB REST API -
Affiliation Application Comments BIOVIA One Lab ELN We provide content formatted for use by ELN Dotmatics Registration Data Hub Open Database Connectivity via Databricks REST API IDBS BioBook We provide content formatted for use by ELN LabWare LabWare LIMS We provide content formatted for use by LIMS -
Software and Data
Affiliation Application Comments Lhasa Zeneth Uses .sdf files to import degradation maps. TIBCO Spotfire View data from Katalyst, Luminata, and Metasense in Spotfire
Can’t find what you’re
interested in?
We are continually adding new data formats to our list and expanding our integration capabilities. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us. We are happy to deepen or develop partnerships to support you better.