PhysChem Suite Overview
Calculators & Predictors for LogP, LogD, pKa, Aqueous Solubility, and more…
The physicochemical properties of a molecule can help you better understand its likely behavior, support QSPR high-throughput screening (HTS) of libraries, and data-driven lead optimization.
ACD/PhysChem Suite is made up of a number of prediction modules. It provides high-quality, structure-based calculations of physicochemical properties.
- Predict aqueous solubility,* boiling point, logD,* logP,* pKa,* Sigma, and other molecular descriptors for organic compounds, from structure
- Evaluate the calculated results with sorting, plotting tools
- Assess the reliability of predicted physicochemical property values
- Investigate quantitative structure-property relationships, structure modifications, and/or lead optimization for a target profile
- Train predictors with experimental data to better reflect novel chemical space
- Include custom models and in-house prediction algorithms
*Models are trainable with experimental data
Everything You Need in a Physicochemical Property Calculator
Easy to Use
- Simply draw your structure for predictions. PhysChem Suite makes predicting physicochemical properties easy for everyone—medicinal, synthetic, and research chemists, and others
- Train the models code-free. No need to be a software engineer, programmer, or computational chemist to improve prediction accuracy for novel chemical space.
Fast, Accurate, Reliable Results
- Quickly calculate properties for single compounds or tens of thousands
- Predictions are based on carefully curated databases of experimental data
- Easily evaluate the reliability of results with a reliability index, a display of similar structures in the database, and literature references for the original experimental data
Convenient Visualization
- Visualize the substructure/atomic contributions to a property value with color-mapping on the structure
- Quickly identify favorable and unfavorable compounds in a library with user-defined color-coding of results in the spreadsheet
Deeper Insights
- Identify trends and prioritize compounds easily with tools to create scatter plots, browse, filter, sort, and rank libraries
- Make decisions confidently with a complete property profile of each molecule in one place
Customizable with In-House Data
- Get the accuracy of in-house models from a commercial product. Use your own experimental data to expand the applicability domain of trainable modules.
Expandable to Third-Party Models
- Create a single environment for predicted data by including third-party and in-house models
- Use reliable results from PhysChem Suite to model more complex behaviors
- 1 Draw/import your structure
- 2 Select the property of interest
- 3 Review results and make decisions
- 4 Report to PDF or copy/paste
Customer Reviews
Product Features
Physicochemical Property Calculator Features
- Calculate physicochemical properties for organic molecules ranging from traditional drug-like structures to higher molecular weight compounds up to a recommended MW limit of ≤2000 Daltons (e.g. peptides, proteins, polymeric units, and other bRo5 compounds).
- Start with a structure (draw in-app, or copy/paste from third-party drawing packages); SMILES string; InChI code; imported MOL, SK2, SKC, or CDX files; or search by name in the built-in dictionary
- Several algorithms available for many predictions—see individual module for more details
- Automatic detection of tautomeric forms (for applicable prediction modules)
- Select the canonical or major form
- Evaluate results
- Structure highlighting for sub-structure/atomic contributions
- Calculation protocols
- Calculate physicochemical properties for groups or libraries of compounds and use built-in tools to sort, filter, plot, and rank results
- Set user-defined label colors
- Filter results numerically
- Sort results by ascending/descending values
- See results for previously calculated values via your activity history
- Estimates of prediction accuracy to assess reliability of predicted values (information provided differs by module and calculation algorithm)
- 95% confidence intervals
- Interactive calculation protocols
- Reliability Index and display of 5 most similar structures in the training library with experimental values and literature references
- Report results to PDF or copy to your application of choice
- Download QPRF and QMRF documents for ACD/LogP (GALAS model) and ACD/LogS0
- Train algorithms with experimental data in select modules—logP, pKa, logD
- Add custom models/algorithms and in-house prediction algorithms by connecting to an existing web service using an XML protocol, or in the form of a DLL (not available in batch deployment)
- Gain insights into structure-property relationships
- Understand and modify the pharmacokinetic profile of lead compounds
- Good/bad indicators for Lipinksi’s rule-of-5 and lead-likeness
- Identify structural fragments responsible for toxicity
- Modify sets of structures with the interactive optimization tool
- Generate libraries of analogs with substituent modifications based on an optimal property profile
- Sort, filter, and prioritize hundreds of structural analogs according to your desired property profile
- Create and use custom fragment libraries
- Target synthetically accessible fragments with the built-in retrosynthesis tool
- Calculate quantitative solubility in pure (unbuffered) water at 25°C
- Predict qualitative solubility at pH 7.4—compounds categorized from highly soluble to insoluble
- GALAS (Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity) algorithm
- Display of 5 most similar structures from the training set with experimental values
- Estimate intrinsic solubility—logS0
- Predictions based on a training set of >6800 compounds and a GALAS algorithm
- Reliability value and up to 5 most similar structures from the training set provided with experimental data
- Predict pH-dependent aqueous solubility—logS
- Solubility at physiological pH values of interest (pH 1.7, 4.6, 6.5, 7.4, 8.0)
- Plot of predicted pH versus solubility
- Train the model with experimental values
- Estimate the boiling point of organic compounds as a function of pressure
- Predict the vapor pressure as a function of temperature
- Estimate the enthalpy of vaporization at the boiling point
- Estimate flash point at the temperature unit of your choice
- View results in a table or graphical plot
- Predict logP—choose from three prediction algorithms:
- Classic
- GALAS (Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity)
- Consensus logP based on the other two models.
- Detailed calculation protocol lists all contributing functional groups, carbon atoms, and interactions through aliphatic, aromatic, and vinylic systems (Classic)
- Click protocol entry to highlight the corresponding entity on the structure
- Color highlighting of the molecule to highlight hydrophilic/lipophilic substructures (GALAS)
- Train the model with experimental values to improve predictions for proprietary chemical space
- Create and select different training libraries for calculations, or switch to the built-in algorithm
LogD predictions are based on the logP and pKa models of PhysChem Suite
- Select from a variety of logP and pKa algorithms (default: logP Consensus, pKa Classic)
- View logD calculation results by pH
- Physiologically relevant values (1.7, 4.6, 6.5, 7.4, 8.0)
- Click and drag across the plot (logD vs pH) for logD at a pH value of interest
- Add/remove predictions at a specific pH value
- Train the model with experimental values of logP and pKa to improve predictions for proprietary chemical space
- Create and select different training libraries for calculations, or switch to the built-in algorithm
- Calculate the acid dissociation constant (pKa) under standard conditions (25°C, zero ionic strength) in aqueous solution for every ionizable group
- Choose from two different algorithms: ACD/pKa Classic (default calculator) and GALAS
- Information about each ionization process (dissociation reaction) for all stages of ionization
- Color-coding of ionizable groups: red = acidic, blue = basic, purple = amphoteric ionization centers; color intensity indicates acid/base strength
- Calculation of the strongest acid and base dissociation constants
- Reliability range (in ±log units) for calculated pKa values
- Detailed calculation protocol for each predicted ionization (referred to as dissociation stage)
- Hover on a dissociation stage to see the related ionizable center highlighted on the structure
- Click structure fragment to see it highlighted on the structure
- Train the algorithm with experimental data
- Display of the percentage contribution of individual ionization microstages to the final pKa
- View calculated pKa values as a function of pH in interactive plots (pH 0-14) and tables (select pH values including the physiologically relevant values 1.7, 4.6, 6.5, 7.4)
- Net charge vs. pH
- Click and drag slider on the plot to see the ionic forms present at the pH of interest
- See the fraction of all ionic forms present at a pH of interest
- Protonation state vs. pH
- Click on the protonation state label to display/hide its curve on the plot
- Ionogenic group state vs. pH
- Calculate substituent-specific parameters for selected fragments of the molecule in aqueous solution, at zero ionic strength and 25°C
- Electronic substituent constant (Hammett)
- Steric constants (molar volume, molar refractivity)
- Hydrophobic constant (Hansch Pi)
- High accuracy—typical calculation accuracy of ±0.05
- Internal database contains >850 substituents and >3000 carefully derived experimental electronic constants
- Density
- Freely Rotatable Bonds
- H-Bond Donors and Acceptors
- Index of Refraction
- Molar Refractivity
- Molar Volume
- Molecular Weight
- Parachor
- Polar Surface Area
- Polarizability
- Rule-of-5
- Surface Tension
Deployment/Integration Options
Choose the Deployment Option That Works for You
Desktop/Thick Client
Install ACD/PhysChem Suite on individual computers to access the thick client which provides a full graphical user interface and access to algorithm training tools for trainable modules.
Perform high-throughput screening (HTS) of hundreds of thousands of compounds with minimal user intervention. Batch deployment is compatible with Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems (OS). Plug-in to corporate intranets or workflow tools such as Pipeline Pilot.
Percepta Portal/Thin Client
Use a browser-based application to predict physicochemical properties. KNIME integration components are available. Host on your corporate intranet or the cloud. Available for Linux and Windows OS.