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Webinar: How To Be a Spectral Superstar—Structure Verification Made Easy

  December 11, 2024    10:00–11:00 AM EST

If your primary goal in analyzing NMR, LC/MS, or other types of analytical data is to answer questions such as “Did I make what I think I made?” or “How clean is my product?” then this webinar is for you!

You might often find yourself using various analytical techniques to confirm, identify, and characterize chemical structures, requiring you to move from one piece of software or computer to another, perhaps even printing spectra along the way. This process is not only time consuming for you and your colleagues, but it can also be a heavy training burden.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use a single piece of software to bring together all your chemical data, no matter the analytical technique or instrument vendor?

The Spectrus® Platform allows you to view, process, interpret, and report data from all major vendor formats, regardless of the analytical technique used, such as NMR, chromatography, MS, IR, Raman, and more.

After this webinar you will be able to:

  • Consolidate your analytical data in one place
  • Quickly process and interpret your results
  • Verify your structures with confidence
  • Report your data with ease

Join us to learn how you can become a Spectral Superstar, and improve your decision-making process with more efficient analysis of your chemical data!

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