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ACD/Labs Blog

So the NMRShiftDB and our comparison to Modgraph and CSEARCH has caused quite a stir. Currently we are still awaiting Modgraph’s response on the following two points: What is the overlap between NMRShiftDB and Modgraph’s NMR prediction databases? Further, with several different database sources how much duplication of data exists across the Modgraph databases? Once that...

Wolfgang Robien and Modgraph Consultants, Ltd. have responded to my latest comments and findings on the evaluation of our NMR predictions vs. the NMRShiftDB.  Let me first begin by saying that over the last 24 hours, ACD/Labs was informed by Modgraph representation that my claims on this blog regarding CSEARCH and Modgraph’s NMRPredict were not...

Peter Murray-Rust and Tony Williams have added their two cents to this debate on their respective blogs. Peter provides a great justification on providing open access to scientific information: In the case of NMRShiftDB I am firmly of the opinion that it leads the way in opening access to scientific information. If the community wishes...

If you have read my earlier post, you will be aware of Wolfgang Robien’s critique of the NMRShiftDB. Following this critique, Tony Williams from the ChemSpider Blog  and Peter Murray-Rust from the Unilever Cambridge Centre for Molecular Informatics replied to Wolfgang’s comments. Well now, it appears that Wolfgang has responded to Tony’s comments.You can find...

Perfect, of course. But I think we can all realize that it’s not realistic for NMR predictions to be perfect. Chemistry and nature just has too much structural diversity to throw at us. Furthermore, even when the exact structure is in the prediction database, the result may not be perfect. Effects such as solvent, temperature,...

NMRShiftDB is an open source collection of  chemical structures and their associated NMR shift assignments. The database is generated as a result of contributions by the public and currently contains 19,958 structures with 214,136 assigned carbon chemical shifts. Turns out, it is also a GREAT resource for evaluating the accuracy of NMR predictions. Several weeks...

Seth Godin is my favorite author and probably the biggest motivator behind my decision to create a blog about our NMR software.  He just released a new book called, “the dip” (a short but inspirational read). What’s The Dip? The best (and perhaps most relevant) example for this audience Seth gives in his book is...

Of course they are. But I think it is a fair question to pose. The reason I say this is because a while back I was having a conversation with a medicinal chemist in a major pharmaceutical company in the US, and they told me point blank: "I bet that 75% of the chemists in...

Whether we are talking about a synthetic chemist in the chemical industry, a grad student who does a ton of reactions, or a medicinal chemist in a pharmaceutical company, all of these individuals are using NMR to confirm structures. My company sells a lot of NMR processing software to groups of chemists. How do these...