ACD/NMR Workbook lets users interpret and assign 1D and 2D NMR spectra simultaneously with NMRSync Technology.

Toronto, Canada (January 14, 2009)—ACD/Labs is set to release a new product, ACD/NMR Workbook with NMRSync Technology, that drastically reduces the time required to interpret and assign 1D and 2D NMR data. Available with ACD/Labs Version 12, NMR Workbook lets you peak pick and make assignments to datasets containing multiple types of NMR spectra for one sample much more efficiently.

Working-up NMR spectra for a set of several experiments can be laborious and tedious. Furthermore, while annotating paper spectra with notes and assignments is convenient, it does not equal the benefits of performing this task electronically. Now, ACD/Labs offers a new solution to greatly accelerate this process—ACD/NMR Workbook with NMRSync Technology.

NMRSync automatically processes and aligns all NMR data associated with a given sample upon import. Following this procedure, it is then possible to synchronize all peak picking and structure assignment, drastically reducing the amount of time it takes to interpret and assign a full NMR dataset.

“Our focus is to help make NMR Spectroscopists more efficient in their day-to-day routine. We have a strong commitment towards helping organizations leverage the expert knowledge gained from their compounds,” said Ryan Sasaki, NMR Product Marketing Manager, ACD/Labs. “For years, one of the unique offerings of ACD/Labs has been the ability to integrate chemical structure information with NMR data. However, the process of fully assigning a complete dataset of NMR data electronically was still a time-consuming process. With NMRSync, the speed and efficiency of this process has been greatly enhanced, making the shift from paper to electronic media a no-brainer.”

In addition to superior processing features, ACD/NMR Workbook also has databasing capabilities that let you store all of your assigned experimental spectra along with their chemical structures, assignments, data tables, and other associated data. Create links to all of your raw data for re-processing later. Find the information again when you need it through a variety of text, structure, sub-structure, or full and partial spectral searches.

For more information about ACD/NMR Workbook, visit our website.