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ACD/Labs Blog

Almary Chacon (Pfizer) presents on an “Automated Workflow for Building a Compound Structure Database Using ACD/Spectrus Platform”. View the slides (or watch recordings below) from our Virtual LC & MS Symposium featuring speakers from the pharmaceutical, medical-device, and lab-software industries discussing how they map their separation spaces, automate their data processing, build databases, and more.

Watch the recordings from our Virtual LC & MS Symposium featuring speakers from the pharmaceutical, medical-device, and lab-software industries discussing how they map their separation spaces, automate their data processing, build databases, and more.

Our first Virtual Symposium dedicated to the academic community featured presentations from invited speakers who will discuss how they use ACD/Labs software to: Support research efforts with vendor-agnostic analytical data processing and property predictions Provide hands-on learning and remote teaching with simulation tools Watch Scott Van Bramer’s presentation on Teaching LC Optimization During the Pandemic...

This work demonstrates the simultaneous optimization of 3 chromatographic parameters with only 12 experiments. The use of such software tools can help the chromatographer work with minimal time and resources to develop a method in which they have full confidence. Such tools could be further extended by combining them with other useful chromatographic algorithms like...

Le choix d’une méthode de séparation constitue une étape essentielle dans la mise au point de toute analyse par Chromatographie . Le fait, pour le chromatographiste, de disposer aujourd’hui d’un vaste éventail de méthodes et, à l’intérieur de celles-ci, d’une large gamme de phases stationnaires, ne simplifie pas ce choix, alors même qu’il présente, par...

Imad Haidar Ahmad and colleagues at Merck present multifactorial peak crossover (MPC)—a new technique to quickly isolate peaks of interest. Using computer-assisted chromatographic modelling, the separation landscape is mapped and conditions that change peak-elution orders are found. Peaks of interest can be quickly shifted to convenient areas of the chromatogram, dramatically reducing the time spent...